

3至7天的行程,您可以按照自己的步調探索令人驚嘆的國家公園、古城、寧靜的湖泊、沙漠景觀,同時享受自駕之旅的自由 我的租车。無論您是在尋找全面的蒙古旅遊套餐還是廉價的蒙古旅遊,我們都能滿足每個人的需求。

You want to plan a private trip to Mongolia off the most popular route or for two to three weeks? Check out our 蒙古旅遊指南 for travel hacks, pitfalls to avoid and more.


  • 客製行程: 短期度假或廣泛探索的選擇,可滿足不同的興趣和日程安排。
  • 沉浸式體驗: 認識遊牧家庭,探索歷史地標,並參與當地傳統活動。
  • 自駕自由: 乘坐可靠的租賃車輛遊覽蒙古廣闊的風景。
  • 經濟實惠的旅行: 享受經濟實惠的選擇,旨在提供廉價的蒙古旅遊而不影響品質。
  • 舒適的住宿: 入住傳統蒙古包營地、飯店和露營地,享受真正道地的體驗。


蒙古探險路線 – 3 天

Pick up your car at the Airport or in Ulaanbaatar and kickstart your adventure with a visit to 胡斯泰 National Park, home to the famous Przewalski’s horses. Take a scenic hike or drive through the park’s diverse terrain, offering stunning views of the steppe. Learn about the park’s conservation efforts and enjoy a meal at the Hustai Camp restaurant before settling in for the night in a traditional ger camp or under the stars in a tent.

第 2 天:哈爾和林
Explore the historical wonders of Kharkhorin, the former capital of the Mongol Empire. Highlights include a tour of the Erdene Zuu Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Kharkhorin Museum, which showcases artifacts from the city’s rich history. Enjoy a relaxing evening at a local hotel and prepare for more adventures.

第三天: 「小」戈比埃爾森塔薩爾海沙丘
Travel to Elsen Tasarkhai, a striking semi-desert landscape with rolling sand dunes.



蒙古探險路線 – 4 天

Pick up your car early in the morning at the Airport or in Ulaanbaatar and drive to stop by in 胡斯泰 National Park, before continuing to Ugii Lake, a tranquil freshwater lake known for its abundant birdlife. Relax by the shore, try kayaking or fishing, and enjoy a peaceful night at the lakeside Ugii Dalai Resort.

第 2 天:哈爾和林
Dive into the historical and cultural treasures of Kharkhorin, Chinggis Khaans capital. Visit the ancient Erdene Zu Monastery, the museum about the history of the Mongolian Empire and the Calligraphy Center to learn about traditional Mongolian script and explore the local markets. Spend the evening unwinding in your yurt.

Immerse yourself in the unique desert ecosystem of Elsen Tasarkhai. Enjoy a camel ride guided by local experts, connect with nomadic traditions, and indulge in a hearty meal prepared by your hosts a local nomadic family or BBQ in beautiful surrounding along the dunes.

第 4 天:霍戈汗山和烏蘭巴托


蒙古探險路線 – 7 天

Start your adventure latest by lunch time by heading directly from the airport (or downtown Ulaanbaatar) to the Terelj National Park, where you’ll explore Turtle Rock and Aryabal Temple. Visit the 成吉思汗雕像群, one of Mongolia’s iconic landmarks, before spending the night in a comfortable hotel surrounded by nature.


In late afternoon experience the beauty and wildlife of 胡斯泰 National Park, with activities like driving around the National Park for wildlife spotting with some hiking and horseback riding. Capture stunning photos of the Przewalski’s horses and enjoy a night in a nearby ger camp, which will show you the traditional Nomadic culture.


在 Khan Khujirt 健康中心放鬆身心,該中心以其治療性泥浴和礦泉而聞名。享受一天的放鬆和恢復活力,並享用當地準備的健康餐點。

Journey to the Red Waterfalls in Orkhon Valley, a hidden gem surrounded by dramatic cliffs and serene landscapes. Enjoy a horseback ride led by local guides and camp under the stars.

第六天: 「小」戈比埃爾森塔薩爾海沙丘
Discover the rolling sand dunes of Elsen Tasarkhai, connect with a camel-herding family, and enjoy an authentic Mongolian dining experience. Relax in a ger camp for your final night in the countryside.

第 7 天:巴特坎山保護區與烏蘭巴托




Contact us now for your Mongolia travel package or car rental and learn more travel hacks for your Mongolia trip here.


  • 可靠的租賃車輛: 駕駛一輛維護良好、配備齊全的汽車充滿信心地探索。
  • 住宿: 選擇包括蒙古包營地、酒店和根據您的路線定制的露營裝備。
  • 支援服務: 在您的旅途中獲得 24/7 全天候協助。
  • 當地見解: 造訪詳細的地圖和行程以增強您的旅行體驗。


不要錯過體驗蒙古迷人風景和豐富傳統的機會。開始規劃您的蒙古探險路線之旅 我的租车,我們專門為每位旅客提供廉價的蒙古旅遊和優質旅遊套裝行程。留下終生難忘的回憶。


尋找更多蒙古行程建議 蒙古旅遊指南 and information about the 蒙古最好的租車 這裡.